
There's something so magical about being in these fields at sunset. We are miles from town. There is no noise. The wind gently blows and gorgeous couples dance to no music. They dance to the melody that is their love. Their passion for the person in their arms is our focus. There are no pretty flowers or distracting trees. It's just palpable love. The sun sinks and usually so do our hearts. We are so beautifully there. We are present in that moment to celebrate only their love. Being in love is fragile and it's timeless. Only the lucky ones really explore it's depths. I'm a hopeless romantic and I'm obsessed with capturing the gift that the couple in front of me has been given. If I didn't get to do this as my career I believe I would pay for this experience. I may toss you in an empty field at sunset but there's always a method to the madness & I hope you look back on these images in 30 years and remember the feeling of feeling everything you possibly can for someone standing in an empty Louisiana field or on a dirt road. Everyone should have that to hold on to. Let's do this.

The Lush


40 Min

45 Digital Images

One Location

($50 Retainer Fee Included)

The Luxury

$475 Min

80 Digital Images

Up to Two Locations

($50 Retainer Fee Included)

The Little


15 Min

15 Images

One Local to Delhi Location

($50 Retainer Fee Included)